"You who want peace can find it only by complete forgiveness"

Thursday, January 08, 2009 11:42 AM
"You who want peace can find it only by complete forgiveness."
A Course In Miracles
Whether we are looking at what's going in Gaza or Iraq or our own neighborhoods. Peace needs to come forward.
How do we achieve this? It starts within our own hearts and minds. We know that the only way peace can really be is by forgiveness. I know that many of you think and feel this is too big chunk to bite off. It's definitely a challenge to get our minds in alignment with that concept.
It's sort of like getting a new job for your mind. Lots or retraining, trial and error, correction of direction and reminding oneself.
I'll share a personal example that my sisters and I have had to learn from. How each of us confronted it and how it appears to me we have grown through it
The shooting death of our brother Steven when he was 15 and half in 1971. This was an accidental shooting by a boyhood acquaintance.
My youngest sister was only 7 and my middle sister was 14 and I was 21.
I tuned inward toward meditations. My middle sister turned outward toward traditional religion. My little sister tuned in straight to the source. Each of us is gifted with spiritual wisdom and understanding which we have used to help ourselves and others.
I got to forgiveness by connecting with my brother's spirit at different level. He literally explained some things to me about the purpose of his early death. In the beginning I did not believe what was shared with me. As time went on, I saw the power of love unfold in my own life and accepted his truth of the situation.
He told me it was because he wanted each of us to learn of love and forgiveness on a deeper level. I believe I have done this and know his wise counsel over the years has helped me.
My middle sister turned toward a more traditional religion and was not able to share much with family about her feelings for years, but then one day she just opened up like a buttercup.
My little sister was the rebel in the beginning. She was so angry even though she was only 7. She lost her innocence as we all did.
Finally at 28, when she became pregnant with her own child she gained some resolution by meeting with my brothers friends.
If we can learn forgiveness you can too!
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